Edgar Cantero's thriller "The Supernatural Enhancements" is the latest
entry in the centuries-old narrative device that is the epistolary
novel. The device, where a story is told via a montage of variably
trustworthy letters, journal entries, newspaper clippings, etc., been
used by many authors to better effect. (Stoker's "Dracula," Shelley's
"Frankenstein," and Collins' "The Moonstone" are a just a few classics
that leap immediately to mind.) Cantero's effort to tread in those
well-worn footprints is not an abject failure, but readers are justified
wondering why the author elected to tell the story this way. The plot
and setting, and the characters that populate them, are all sufficiently
intriguing to hold interest on their own merits without resort to
gratuitous epistolary gymnastics. Cantero's choice of narrative
technique detracts, often materially, from what could otherwise be a
solidly gripping paranormal mystery.